RPG Evolution: Looking Back at My Gaming Goals for 2023

Here we go again: I'm almost afraid to look...

Here we go again: I'm almost afraid to look...


Picture courtesy of Pixabay.

Get Ready for the Future of OGL (Partial)​

I've reformatted most of my existing publications to support the latest format as outlined by Wizards of the Coast for Dungeons & Dragons. But backwards compatibility is largely out of my hands; if there are significant changes for classes, every book with any class in it will need to be revised. I'm prepared as I can be, but that's not enough to truly be ready to pivot quickly when the new version comes out. So yes, I did what I could, but it's probably not enough.

Build the RPG Community (Partial)​

I didn't quite achieve the goals we set out for the Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games (CAR-PGA), at least partially due to my own busy life. The CAR-PGA's Facebook page and YouTube channel grew incrementally, as did the CAR-PGA's membership, but not at the pace we were hoping. We're doubling down in 2024 on these goals, with more interviews scheduled several months in advance.

Teach Myself Layout Software (Failed)​

This is a big ole fail. I had to get a new laptop first, which I did. Next step is to install the software, which I haven't. I'll get there.

Publish the Next Adventures in Welstar (Success)

5E Quest: Clockwork Carillon completed last year. This adventure, combined with 5E Foes: Video Game Bestiary and 5E RPG: Steampunk Adventures, completes the trifecta of video games, game shows, capitalist gnomes, and my love of Squid Game, Running Man, and any other media with the compete-or-die premise. I also published 5E RPG: Infernal Adventures after a very long development period.

Launch a New Podcast (Success)​

We launched 50 Date Night Screams, a podcast in which my wife and I review drama and horror movies in the public domain and then provide 5E statistics for each of the villains, all of them combined in 5E Foes: Gothic Villains. We're up to 30 episodes and counting. Here's hoping we get it finished before the new edition comes out!

How Did I Do?​

I had five goals, each worth 20%; I consider partials worth 10%. All told my score is 60%, an improvement over the past two years (50% last year, and 40% the year before). Still not a passing grade though. I'll continue to sharpen my focus for 2024, but I imagine things are going to get rocky with the release of the latest iteration of D&D. More on my 2024 goals in the next article.

Your Turn: What were your gaming goals for last year?

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca

I always have goals that I am going to publish some of my adventures. But I think the facts are I am not a great writer. I'm a good DM. I run good games. But I don't have the skill to translate that to a form others can use.

Which is my long winded way of saying I should give up on that goal of publishing my sandbox campaign.

Which means you all are loosing out.


Community Supporter
I always have goals that I am going to publish some of my adventures. But I think the facts are I am not a great writer. I'm a good DM. I run good games. But I don't have the skill to translate that to a form others can use.

Which is my long winded way of saying I should give up on that goal of publishing my sandbox campaign.

Which means you all are loosing out.
The good news: you can always become a better writer.

You have options too: find collaborators, run your text through a program (like Grammarly or other software, even AI can help), ask for feedback/playtesters. They'll all improve the final product.

Don't give up!


Getting ready for the new OGL seems to be a concert of mine. I tend to make adventures for my local group and then correct them some and post on DMsGuild. Changes to the statblock layout might take the most time to swap over. Not a big difference, but I want it to look presentable.

I do like the Kobold layout in TOValiant. I like the hide and spot DCs already in there and abilities just having the modifier since the actual number is not needed.

The Soloist

My 2023 gaming goal was to solo play as many unplayed RPGs, wargames and boardgames on my shelves as I could. 80% success. The 20% are new games I bought during the year. I'm already playing one of them.
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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Mine was probably play some new games, which I did ok at - but looking at my shelves, could probably do even more to play those games I have never played but which sit on my shelves...

@talien did you already post your 2024 goals?


Bruce Baugh, Writer of Fortune
A sustained solo campaign of some sort to keep me engaged and with less free time to stress myself out following political news. I want to start it by the end of this month and keep it up into December. I’m looking at using some megadungeon as fodder for Ironsworn + Delve.

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