Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

More industry consolidation as VTT combines with tools platform!


Following on from the news that Demiplane's Adam Bradford had been hired by Fantasy Grounds, it turns out that Demiplane itself has been purchased by Roll20! Demiplane is an online TTRPG tools suite and character builder which seeks to do for some game systems what D&D Beyond does for Dungeons & Dragons.

Roll20 is the most popular of the many virtual tabletops (VTTs), and merged with DriveThruRPG last year.

Ankit Lal, Roll20's CEO spoke to about the deal, describing how the goal was to make a use experience where people both purchase games and then play them--mich like WotC's goals with D&D Beyond. Notably, Adam Bradford was also one of the founders of D&D Beyond, and left when it was purchased by Wizards of the Coast. Building tabletop gaming platforms and then selling them seems to be a lucrative business! Of course, Fantasy Grounds is a major competitor to Roll20.

Roll20, along with DTRPG and now Demiplane will have a marketplace, a virtual tabletop, and an online rules/tools suite for some games. Demiplane's Peter Romensko particularly called out Pathfinder and Daggerheart.

You can read more of what Ankit Lal said at

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Jacob Rodgers
Remember that Roll20 owns DriveThruRPG et al.

If this is a move towards a "publish once, get a PoD, PDF, Nexus, and Roll20 integration as a result" that could be very cool. But I rather suspect doing something like that is ridiculously complicated, so we will get another walled garden where only the biggest get to play.


I crit!
If this is a move towards a "publish once, get a PoD, PDF, Nexus, and Roll20 integration as a result" that could be very cool. But I rather suspect doing something like that is ridiculously complicated, so we will get another walled garden where only the biggest get to play.
Maybe. They didn’t say much about the kind of integration you mention but they did say they want to be available to all publishers big and small. What that means eventually, they didn’t say.

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