Pathfinder 1E [Legendary Games] Monday PF1day brings you new races from Greek mythology! Plus a monster poll and mesmerists!


We’re trying a new thing! Check out Greek Mythology, Monsters, & More for PF1, PF2, and 5E on Backerkit’s crowdfunding platform, offering up an awesome assortment of Greek mythology and more with over 600 pages of monsters, adventures, and character options for you! We’ve run 27 Kickstarters but wanted to see how Backerkit’s system works and if you missed our earlier Mediterranean Monsters Kickstarter we hope you’ll check it out! This lightning-fast project ends in JUST ONE WEEK, with fulfillment starting next weekend on PDFs and as soon as we get your surveys processed for print and VTT!

One of the new offerings on this project that wasn't part of the previous one is a whole new book of Pathfinder 1E character options with Mediterranean Races, featuring tons of standard and alternate racial traits, feats, favored class bonuses, and so much more for serpentine sthenoid and spartoi, elemental naiads, oreads, and tritons, fey-touched meliae and lampads, sinister sirens and changelings, and even mysterious atlanteans!

In addition, we want YOU to help us decide which monsters to tackle next in our ongoing Legendary Bestiaries series! Head on over to take our Legendary Bestiaries poll (it requires a free Backerkit account, which you probably already have if you’ve supported any of our past Kickstarters) and let us know what you’d like to see join the illustrious ranks of Asian, Latin American, Mechanical, Mediterranean, and Mediterranean Monsters plus the Alien Bestiary and Faerie Bestiary!

Speaking of PF1 player options, we also are sending our latest class supplement off to layout with Legendary Mesmerists by W. Hervay and Connor Bates! Bend the minds of the unwary and enrapture all around you with a simple wink and a blink of your enchanted eye! Impose your Psyche with mental focus and master an array of hypnotic foci from madness to magnificence with the power of hand, mind, and voice. You'll find awesome additions for the classic PF1 mesmerist PLUS alternate rules options and an entirely new Legendary Mesmerist class built from the ground up, with dozens of new spells and feats from subconscious motion and sever identity to Fashion Dictator and Rule the Rabble! This new class design is a perfect companion to last month's Legendary Psychics and will help your heroes master the mind as they forge their legend! Coming soon from Legendary Games!


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The fact Legendary Games still releases PF1e content is why they keep getting my money and attention. Unlike other companies.
Glad you are enjoying our products! As we've always said, we'll keep making it as long as people keep buying it! I've been playing RPGs since 1981 and it's been my favorite version in all those years.

Voidrunner's Codex

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