Pathfinder 2E One-shots and short adventures.


Tldr: Other than AAW and DM Lair, are publishers making short adventures for pf2?

I'm an OGL convert to pf2 and I love the system. However, I've always been a homebrew setting and campaign kind of GM. I've found a number of publishers for 5e that produced short adventures that can be completed in a session or three and I love those types of products.
A couple of those publishers, Adventure A Week and DM Lair specifically, produce 5e and PF2e versions of their content, but most others don't.

Are there other publishers out there that I haven't found?

I have been converting the adventures I already own (thank goodness pf2 it's so GM friendly), but I is like some out of the box stuff.

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Tldr: Other than AAW and DM Lair, are publishers making short adventures for pf2?

I'm an OGL convert to pf2 and I love the system. However, I've always been a homebrew setting and campaign kind of GM. I've found a number of publishers for 5e that produced short adventures that can be completed in a session or three and I love those types of products.
A couple of those publishers, Adventure A Week and DM Lair specifically, produce 5e and PF2e versions of their content, but most others don't.

Are there other publishers out there that I haven't found?

I have been converting the adventures I already own (thank goodness pf2 it's so GM friendly), but I is like some out of the box stuff.
Have you looked into the Pathfinder Society scenarios that Paizo publishes? They are short adventures designed to be played in 4-5 hours.


Have you looked into the Pathfinder Society scenarios that Paizo publishes? They are short adventures designed to be played in 4-5 hours.
I have a couple of them, but only the ones that came in a Humble Bundle.
Are they readily available? DMs guild?
I know that the ones I have are very setting heavy in their background. I prefer the ones that are written more setting agnostically, but I'll have to give them a look.

I have a couple of them, but only the ones that came in a Humble Bundle.
Are they readily available? DMs guild?
I know that the ones I have are very setting heavy in their background. I prefer the ones that are written more setting agnostically, but I'll have to give them a look.
They are on Paizo’s webstore. From the few I have read, they are pretty tied into the Golarion setting but since it is pretty standard fantasy I don’t imagine it would be any harder to tie into a homebrew campaign world than any other PF2 material.

Philip Benz

A Dragontooth Grognard
I can confirm that it's fairly easy to adapt PFS adventures (or any adventures) to a homebrew setting. Change a few place names, invent any secret societies you may need, and Bob's your uncle. I'm currently doing just that, in fact.

You can also find some 3pp adventures for PF2 on sites like DrivethruRPG. If you're interested, I have three such adventures available, links on my blog, in the right column: A Dragontooth Grognard

Here are a few suggestions from Paizo's shorter adventures:
  • Crown of the Kobold King takes adventurers from level 1 to 6. It's not a one-shot, by any means, probably a dozen or two sessions, depending on how much roleplay your players get up to.
  • Paizo's Beginner Box is an excellent tutorial adventure for both new players and DMs new to PF2. Probably around 2-3 sessions, going from level 1 to 2. Possible follow-ons can be found with Troubles in Otari or Abomination Vaults.
There are a lot more short-ish adventures available from Paizo. You can find them yourself on their website.

I almost forgot. I bought Good Little Children Never Grow Up on DriveThruRPG awhile back because I wanted to check out some examples of 3pp for PF2e. I have not had the chance to run it, but it seems well designed and might be possible to run as a one shot. It’s for 4-6 players of levels 3-5. The publisher Sneak Attack Press has other material on DTRPG that might also fit your needs, Beacon in the Dark looks interesting and is for level 7-9 adventurers.


Yeah, I've found a number of single adventures, but I haven't really seen publishers doing a bunch. Like, Adventure A Week has dozens of mini adventures of various levels and in 5e it's not hard to find publishers with a couple dozen adventures each. In pf2, I've seen on DrivethruRPG that someone will have between 1 and 3 adventures and they aren't of a level I'm interested in.

I know it's easy to rework the encounters to be higher level, but then it kind of defeats the purpose of buying an adventure.
I was hoping for publisher names I should check out. Not individual adventures.


Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
Tldr: Other than AAW and DM Lair, are publishers making short adventures for pf2?

Are there other publishers out there that I haven't found?
Look at the Pathfinder Infinite website. That's where third party stuff gets sold. The majority of it is new character options, but there are also adventures.

Edit: pathfinderinfinite and drivethruRPG are connected - so I think pathfinderinfinite just filters down the other one. So, you've sort of already looked there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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