Module: Tragedy in Chaldén


Module: Tragedy in Chaldén

"Tragedy in Chaldén" (which we nicknamed "Thief on the Borderlands" in our more devilish moments) is a module written for classic 1st-edition AD&D. I offer it to anyone who wants to play it as is or update it to 3e.

This is an unofficial, unpublished module. Back in 1985/6, a couple of us got together and wrote this, and submitted it to TSR for publication. They never responded to our submission, or to the several follow-up letters I sent them, so it remains under our ownership.

Please bear in mind that we wrote this back in high school, so parts of it may seem a bit raw or juvenile. Feel free to modify to be a bit more mature in spots.

I offer this module freely to anyone who wants to use or distribute it, so long as you do so free of charge. Feel free to email me with any questions.


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