Our Golden Age the sequel to Ultraviolet Grasslands!


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Our Golden Age the sequel to Ultraviolet Grasslands! Get Ready for an Ultraviolet Grasslands RPG Sequel

Experience fantascience roleplaying at the end of time. Two books for one world:

Our Golden Age — visit the civilized lands east of the Ultraviolet Grasslands, beneath the Ladder of Heaven. Experience a world of terrible age and dizzying variety. Feel the tension coiling beneath its electromagical skin. Embrace the gentle gods or escape their terrible purpose?

The Vastlands Guidebook — rules and options for Our Golden Age and the Ultraviolet Grasslands. Build fools and heroes to venture into the unknown, to rail against the coming of the night, to try, to fail, to be transformed. A loose, flexible ruleset for all your psychedelic adventures at the end of time. Built on the free SDM rpg ruleset, an OSR game compatible with most of your twenty-sided playing preferences.

Welcome once more to the Perfect Civilization at the End of Time!

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