AoS: Soulbound - thoughts?


I have a lot of the PDFs of Age of Sigmar: Soulbound (and even found a used copy of the Core Rulebook at a local store). I'm wondering if anyone here has had first-hand experience with the system.

Specifically, my group is looking for...
  • Something a little different than D&D in tone.
  • More narrative than tactical (we're just coming off 4E).
  • Characters can start out effective and powerful.
  • Options for character creation.
  • Decent support for the GM (modules, bestiaries, etc.)
Have you played it? Did you enjoy it? Do you think it would fit these categories (it looks okay on a readthrough unless I'm missing something)?

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Following. I’m halfway through the core and read the starter set. Haven’t played it yet so curious what others have experienced. I am digging the rules except for Zone combat, which I’m not a fan of. But other than that I like it a lot. I also listened to two live-plays of the starter adventure, and they sounded like a lot fun. I’m currently pre-selling the system to my home team for future trial.

I’ve read it and loaned my starter box out to another GM. Game is fun. Characters are superheroes. There are bolt on rules for non-superhero characters but they are not fully integrated into the core assumptions of the game.

Combat is fun. I typically hate zones but they work here. Characters are different. If you need miniature or terrain support you can’t go wrong. Game is actively supported by C7 and new books releases are regular.

The artwork is fantastic and I’m a big fan of the Mortal Reals.

The dice pool and difficulty setting rules work. I like that the dice pool can be switched by either what constitutes a success or by the number of successes needed.

The Order book is almost a requirement. There are plenty of choices for characters but they come in the form of the listed archetypes and a few selections within each one rather than a host of feats approach. Think silo’d feats ala PF2 and your close.
There are a ton of ‘archetype choices though.

Lots of supplements and adventure frameworks. The adventures aren’t as tightly scripted as a PF1 AP but are definitely frameworks with structure. The locations are varied and interesting. Embracing the Mortal Realms, buying into the setting conceits will go a long way to making it work.
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