MCDM Patreon Playtest Packet 1 is out.


I crit!
The Patreon has the first packet out.

Hey Wonderful Patrons,

Welcome to the very first Patreon playtest packet for the MCDM RPG. The packet attached to this post contains just a very small piece of the game: a short adventure with five premade heroes and the rules, maps, and tokens you need JUST to run that adventure. There is a lot more game to make and what you have is still a work in progress.

In about a week, we’ll also put out a survey through Patreon to get your feedback on this packet. The survey will be open for three weeks and then close down.


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The Patreon has the first packet out.

Hey Wonderful Patrons,

Welcome to the very first Patreon playtest packet for the MCDM RPG. The packet attached to this post contains just a very small piece of the game: a short adventure with five premade heroes and the rules, maps, and tokens you need JUST to run that adventure. There is a lot more game to make and what you have is still a work in progress.

In about a week, we’ll also put out a survey through Patreon to get your feedback on this packet. The survey will be open for three weeks and then close down.

I'm assuming you have it? If so, any thoughts if you've looked it over? I just downloaded it now, so about to take a look at it.


I'm assuming you have it? If so, any thoughts if you've looked it over? I just downloaded it now, so about to take a look at it.
I've only partially read through it, things are spread across a few different PDFs(plus family still sorta in town). The tactical terminology is interesting. Forced movement being broken into explicitly defined push pull slide & toss will make life so much easier for me as a GM not needing to deal with shenanigans that I sometimes☆ see with 5e's push/pull abilities trying to mix one of the others. On a personal setup note I think they will make good use of the touch features on my tabletop display/vtt setup

The (class specific?) character sheets are pretty darned clean & easy to grok even with them including class specific power source & mechanics of various powers. Having class specific sheets instead of one monolithic sheet every class tries to pour & squeeze itself into might be nice, but I'm not sure if they are class specific or built for the needs of WiP pending a later consolidation & think that could be either way.

Skills are fairly straightforward with a much appreciated trio of fill in he blank boxes for craft & knowledge skills.

Healing (recoveries) are pretty cool where PCs have a number per rest & they heal their fixed value, but it's a snapshot of the level 1 PC not a chart/description on the math to how it scales. Some classes have ways of getting them back during the adventuring day & others seem to have them tied more to resting.

I was initially uncertain when a recent video talked about how resting took minimum 12 hours but it's written so that meeting regular biological needs for sleep/food/etc are kinda shunted behind the curtain in a way where they don't count even if resting involves a lot of it. The way that a lot of PC skills/powers/resources are somehow modified for victories in their own ways stacked against actually taking a rest causing victories to convert to experience seems like it will setup a nice bit of internal conflict & discussion between players themselves on if they actually want to stop for a rest if they they think they could vrs how confident they are continuing on without it. That makes for a nice change of pace for "directors" used to the GM frequently being the one trying to come up with reasons why they party can't or shouldn't rest.

PC's have a pretty large buffer into negative HP but just dropping to zero hp feels like it brings some serious consequences on the adventuring day that would make just being low on HP an edge of the seat nail biter

☆ok pretty darned often
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Helena Real (she/her)
A friend of mine is a backer and ran an improvised encounter for myself and some friends last night.

Since there were only three players I roleplayed two characters: the Human Conduit (Cleric/Mystic equivalent) and High Elf Talent (Psionic caster).

We fought a dozen zombie minions, two skeleton warriors, and a skeleton archer. Even looking up rules and answering questions it was really fun and dynamic! The characters are easy to understand, you always get to do something cool (or two) during your turn, and you can even intervene on other people's turns and help them. The battle felt tense and interesting, but not too overwhelming. On my first turn with the Conduit I killed three zombies with a simple attack! It felt heroic and epic out of the bat.

The system has no attack roll—and we didn't miss it! It was great to know that you'd always do something on your turn and have an effect on the battlefield.

If someone has any specific questions, I'm happy to answer them.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
How did the Conduit play like? Like how did it gain resource and what kind of powers did it have?
The conduit is all about support and heals- and a touch of control. The player has a degree of say in how much their character is a buffer/healer vs offensive powers each fight.

Most of their attacks trigger boons or heals for allies.

Their resources are virtue and wrath- they're gained at the start of an encounter decided by the player, and some abilities give you a roll to randomly get or the other during an encounter.

Voidrunner's Codex

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