D&D 3E/3.5 AD&D DMG Random Encounter Tables redone to 3E

Has anyone come across a redoing of the Random Encounter Tables of the original DMG (APPENDIX C) to 3E, encompassing the various monsters through the MM's and other supplements..?

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Not that I'm aware of but the 1e tables - there are some more nice ones as well as discussion of design principles in the back of the 1e MM2 - work pretty well regardless. Very few iconic monsters were introduced after 1e anyway.

the Jester

Not that I'm aware of but the 1e tables - there are some more nice ones as well as discussion of design principles in the back of the 1e MM2 - work pretty well regardless. Very few iconic monsters were introduced after 1e anyway.
Dude, 3e has so many monsters that aren't in 1e!

I am a huge monster guy and although I converted a buttload of monsters to 3e, I never did encounter charts using them all- I did do a few of the 1d12 + 1d8 style ones from the MM2 for specific areas of my campaign, but not general ones.


Dude, 3e has so many monsters that aren't in 1e!

Absolutely, 3e has many monsters that aren't in 1e. But not iconic ones that show up in multiple published adventures or people really got enthusiastic about. I did some brainstorming about this and the only iconic monsters I could think of introduced post 1e where the ones that were new PC races - Tiefling (from 2e), Ironforged (from 3e), and Dragonborn (from 4e?). There isn't anything from 3e that was so heartily embraced that we think of it now like we do gelatinous cubes, displacer beasts, beholders, mimics, owlbears and so forth.

If there is, I would like to hear about it. What is showing up in 5e adventure paths that didn't exist until 3e, for example?

the Jester

You're probably right that there weren't any really iconic additions to the monster list in 3e, but there are a ton of awesome monsters worth having on your random encounter charts. IMHO. Personally, I think some of 3e's new monsters are really cool: phantom fungi and krenshars, just to name two off the top of my head.

Then again, tojanida.


You're probably right that there weren't any really iconic additions to the monster list in 3e, but there are a ton of awesome monsters worth having on your random encounter charts. IMHO. Personally, I think some of 3e's new monsters are really cool: phantom fungi and krenshars, just to name two off the top of my head.

Phantom fungi are one of my favorite 3e additions, though I seem to remember redoing their stat block for my own game. They felt very Lovecraftian to me, and that's usually worth points in my book.

Living Spell is probably my favorite 3.X era addition to the game. Girallon is a monster I was surprised to discover was 3e, I as I figured Barsoomian monsters would have made the game sooner.

To me a good monster always has at least one cool unique ability. A good monster never feels like just reskinning some other existing monster. If it's also got a bit of mythic resonance, even better.


Has anyone come across a redoing of the Random Encounter Tables of the original DMG (APPENDIX C) to 3E, encompassing the various monsters through the MM's and other supplements..?
I have a MASSIVE database of monsters from about 30 sources with all the terrain, environment, type, CR and brief sentence-or-two descriptions so I can do a find for say aquatic dragon, CR under 10 and get a list of creatures and their sourcebook. It was hell to build, but VERY useful. This is part of why I still DM 3.5. I did the same for spells and magic items, tho honestly I just add items ad hoc as needed. Print on 4x6 cards and store for reuse. Handing out six CLW cards is so convenient!

Voidrunner's Codex

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