D&D 2E House of lament

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Also on a side note, one of the first long term Ravenloft campaigns I ran started with an adventure set in the House of Lament using the material from the Darklords book. I had to flesh things out a bit but it went great. It is a cool haunted house location


The EN World kitten
Is it just an outline with no encounters in rooms?
The House's entry in the Darklords supplement is six pages long, with one of those pages being a keyed map of its layout. There are no room-by-room listings of encounters, but rather pages detailing the House's backstory, current sketch, how it interacts with people in it, etc.

The House's entry in the Darklords supplement is six pages long, with one of those pages being a keyed map of its layout. There are no room-by-room listings of encounters, but rather pages detailing the House's backstory, current sketch, how it interacts with people in it, etc.
Somebody on another site was saying this version is better than van richten but not really?

Somebody on another site was saying this version is better than van richten but not really?

It is a matter of taste and what you like. The thing I like about the Darklords entry is it has a lot of flavorful background information and description and gorgeous 3D map that is labeled and keyed but with no individual room descriptions. As a young GM this forced me to fill in all that blank space, and I think the end result for my table was better than anything they would have put there for me. Early Ravenloft is very bare bones, with lots of blank space for the GM to explore. If you like that approach, if you like the full commitment to a gothic mood in the flavor material, then you might like it. My advice, if you have the time and don't mind getting both, is check out the original and the new version and decide for yourself what fits your taste the most

Voidrunner's Codex

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