How many of you have used the rather simple rules in Level Up to create a character of mixed heritage? And how many of you used mixed heritage to brew up a completely new heritage for Level Up?
For those of you who have yet to check out Level Up, mixed heritage works by choosing a heritage and then choosing a heritage gift from another heritage. So if you wanted to play a Half-Elf that kind of resembles the 5e Half-Elf, you would first pick the Elf Heritage and then you would pick a gift from the Human Heritage. To duplicate the Half-Elf's Half-Elf Versatility trait from 5e, you would need to pick up one of the four Elven Cultures in Level Up (Eladrin, High, Shadow or Wood).
Mixed heritage as shown in Purple Martin Games' Manual of Adventurous Resources: Complete (MoAR) can also be used as a quick and easy way to create new heritages for Level Up. There are two ways you can do this using mixed heritages. The first is to use the rules for mixed heritage as is. Say you want to recreate this race as a heritage for Level Up:
All you need to do is pick the Elf Heritage and the Lupine Ascension gift from the Garoul | Level Up After that, you just need to create a culture for them.
Or you could use the two Garoul cultures for them, Blood Pack | Level Up and Moonkeeper | Level Up
The second way to create a new heritage for Level Up is to take a heritage, and add/replace traits to it's list of commonly held traits in lieu of a gift. A couple years ago, I found myself wondering how to make a Sea Elf for Level Up. They had the same kind of traits found in most elves in 5e (Fey Ancestry, Trance). But they also had traits not associated with most elves such being able to breathe both air and water, and a swim speed. Well MoAR had something of an answer to this little problem.
The Merfolk. To create an Aquatic Elf, all you need to do is to pick the Merfolk heritage. And then in lieu of a gift (which is essentially a 1st-level racial feat), you just added the traits of the elf heritage. You would also replace the Merfolk's age, size and speed traits with those of an elf.
Elven traits- Age, Size, Speed (with a swim speed), Fey Ancestry and Trance.
Merfolk traits- Amphibious, Deep Darkvision, Deep Sea Explorer and Oceanic Solidarity
Anyhow, I am curious to see if anyone has used Mixed Heritage for character creation or homebrewing.
For those of you who have yet to check out Level Up, mixed heritage works by choosing a heritage and then choosing a heritage gift from another heritage. So if you wanted to play a Half-Elf that kind of resembles the 5e Half-Elf, you would first pick the Elf Heritage and then you would pick a gift from the Human Heritage. To duplicate the Half-Elf's Half-Elf Versatility trait from 5e, you would need to pick up one of the four Elven Cultures in Level Up (Eladrin, High, Shadow or Wood).
Mixed heritage as shown in Purple Martin Games' Manual of Adventurous Resources: Complete (MoAR) can also be used as a quick and easy way to create new heritages for Level Up. There are two ways you can do this using mixed heritages. The first is to use the rules for mixed heritage as is. Say you want to recreate this race as a heritage for Level Up:
All you need to do is pick the Elf Heritage and the Lupine Ascension gift from the Garoul | Level Up After that, you just need to create a culture for them.
The second way to create a new heritage for Level Up is to take a heritage, and add/replace traits to it's list of commonly held traits in lieu of a gift. A couple years ago, I found myself wondering how to make a Sea Elf for Level Up. They had the same kind of traits found in most elves in 5e (Fey Ancestry, Trance). But they also had traits not associated with most elves such being able to breathe both air and water, and a swim speed. Well MoAR had something of an answer to this little problem.
Elven traits- Age, Size, Speed (with a swim speed), Fey Ancestry and Trance.
Merfolk traits- Amphibious, Deep Darkvision, Deep Sea Explorer and Oceanic Solidarity
Anyhow, I am curious to see if anyone has used Mixed Heritage for character creation or homebrewing.