Mike Myler
Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
There’s nothing more important for GMs than having plenty of tools at hand—so add this new series into your bestiary and NPC codex toolboxes by joining my humble patreon! The next time you have a need for an elite tracker and master ranger, unique threat in the water, or shadowy and all-powerful necromancer grab one of these stat blocks. Includes the elven avenger (CR 9), giant sea troll (CR 15), and Shadow King (CR 20) in PDFs for both original D&D 5E and Level Up: Advanced Fifth Edition.

Upcoming NPCs include temple guardians (blessed champion, lunar herald, and serpent dancer), a batch of mages (death mage, green mage, and sea mage), cityfolk (battle chef, curios merchant, and detective), unusual threats (battle caribou, pyrolich, and vermin mage), and other adventurers (elven archer, exiled hero, and speardancer).
Upcoming NPCs include temple guardians (blessed champion, lunar herald, and serpent dancer), a batch of mages (death mage, green mage, and sea mage), cityfolk (battle chef, curios merchant, and detective), unusual threats (battle caribou, pyrolich, and vermin mage), and other adventurers (elven archer, exiled hero, and speardancer).